
Hallucinations research: A brief presentation of the current knowledge base and some future challenges in the field

Dr Frank Laroi, University of Oslo, Norway and University of Liege, Belgium


5 października 2023

Title: Hallucinations research: A brief presentation of the current knowledge base and some future challenges in the field

In this talk I will present a general overview of the field of hallucinations research, and in particular research concerning auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH). I will define AVH, provide some examples of robust research findings in the field, and briefly present some theoretical and clinical aspects. Finally, I will present a series of challenges that the field is currently facing and will likely to be facing in the (near) future. Many of these challenges are not necessarily specific to the field of hallucinations research but are probably also present in other fields and are therefore related to science and research more generally.

(on-line meeting)

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