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8 - 11 June 2015, Zalesie, Masuria

During the conference we want to concentrate on different understandings of queer kinships/relationships, and present more insights into the dynamics of non-normative kinship configurations in various geo-temporal contexts. Consequently, we seek to address such questions as the following:

  1. How do non-heterosexual people define their relationships? What concepts are used to think through, understand, and describe non-normative kinship practices?
  2. How are “queer families” socially framed and understood in various localities with different political significance of ”traditional family” ?
  3. Does ”queer kinship/family” have the potential to become a (new) reference point for the LGBTQ activism, in the place or in conjunction with ”marriage equality” or ”rights politics”?
  4. How do specific local contexts influence the debates on sexual politics in diverse locations?



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