The purpose of this study is to investigate the neural mechanisms supporting temporal error monitoring abilities of humans, by means of non-invasive brain stimulation applied during cognitive tasks related to time perception. Specifically, in this study I will use a technique called transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES). tES applies a weak electrical current to a target brain region by means of two electrodes placed over the head (like in the picture), and it is used to test whether the targeted brain region is involved in the cognitive function measured by the experimental task. The effect of tES is temporary, meaning that it disappears soon after the stimulation stops. This study requires to participate in 2 testing sessions (in 2 consecutive days) and the expected participation is for around 2 hours per session. Both sessions will take place in the EEG laboratory at AEH University. At the end of the experiment participants will be rewarded 300 PLN. The reward will be transferred to a Sodexo Virtual Gift card that will be created for each participant.

To participate in the experiment, you must meet the following inclusion criteria:
- absence of metal or electronic implants inside the skull/brain;
- absence of metal or electronic devices at other location of the body (e.g. pacemaker, or dental retainer/braces);
- no history of surgical procedures involving the head or the spinal cord;
- no history of head trauma followed by impairment of consciousness;
- absence of skin problems and diseases (e.g., eczema);
- no diagnosis of or familiarity with epilepsy, no history of epileptic or other types of seizures;
- no history of fainting spells or syncope;
- no state of pregnancy;
- no history of adverse events following transcranial electrical or magnetic stimulation;
- absence of heart diseases;
- no history of severe and frequent migraines;
- no history of psychiatric or neurological disorders;
- not being under psychopharmacological treatment;
- no abuse of alcohol or other psychoactive substances in the 24 hours preceding the experiment;
- age between 18 and 45;
- normal (or corrected to normal with glasses/contact lenses) vision;
- availability to participate in 2 testing sessions (=2 hours x 2 days) and to give full attention to the task for the entire duration of the experiment.

If you meet all these criteria and want to participate, please contact me at this e-mail address:
I will contact you to give you more detailed information and schedule the testing session.

Dunia Giomo
Post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Stefana Jaracza 1, 00-378 Warszawa

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