dr hab. Krzysztof Kaniasty, prof. IP PAN

profesor nadzwyczajny

Zainteresowania naukowe

Mechanizmy działania wsparcia społecznego i procesy społeczne w kontekście radzenia sobie ze stresem doświadczanym przez jednostki (np., choroba, utrata pracy, doświadczenie przestępstwa) jak i też większe grupy społeczne (np. klęski żywiołowe, katastrofy technologiczne, akty masowej opresji).


PUBLIKACJE (2010- 2014)


Kaniasty, K., Moore, K., Howard, S. i Buchwald, P. (Red.) (2014). Stress and Anxiety: Applications to social and environmental threats, psychological well-being, occupational challenges, and developmental Psychology. Berlin, Germany: Logos Verlag.
Moore, K., Kaniasty, K., Buchwald, P. i Sese, A. (Red.) (2013). Stress and anxiety: Application to health, occupational and job stress, and challenges in assessment of stress and anxiety. Berlin, Germany: Logos Verlag.
Moore, K., Kaniasty, K. i Buchwald, P. (Eds.) (2012). Stress and anxiety: Application to economic hardship, occupational demands and developmental challenges. Berlin, Germany: Logos Verlag.
Artykuły w czasopismach recenzowanych i rozdziały w książkach

Hamama-Raz, Y., Palgi Y., Shrira, A., Goodwin, R., Kaniasty, K. i Ben- Ezra, M. (2014). Gender differences in psychological reactions to Hurricane Sandy among New York metropolitan area residents. Psychiatric Quarterly (November). doi: 10.1007/s11126-014-9333-3
Kaniasty, K. i Jakubowska, U. (2014). Can appraisals of common political life events impact subjective well-being? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44, 751-767. doi: 10.1111/jasp.12265
Jakubowska, U. i Kaniasty, K. (2014). Post-communist transformation in progress: Poles’ attitudes toward democracy. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 47, 399-407. doi: 10.1016/j.postcomstud.2014.10.005
Jakubowska, U. i Kaniasty, K. (2014). Psychosocial predictors of Poles’ political participation. Przegląd Psychologiczny, 57, 87-105.
Ben-Ezra, M., Goodwin, R., Palgi, Y., Kaniasty, K., Zibalese Crawford, M., Weinberger, A. i Hamama-Raz, Y. (2014). Concomitants of perceived trust in hospital and medical services following Hurricane Sandy. Psychiatry Research. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.08.012i
Kaniasty, K. i Jakubowska, U. (2013). Assessing common political life stressors: Warsaw Appraisal of Political Stress Inventory. In K. Moore, Kaniasty, K., Buchwald, P. & Sese, A. (Red.) Stress and anxiety: Application to health, occupational and job stress, and challenges in assessment of stress and anxiety (s. 83-94). Berlin, Germany: Logos Verlag.
Kaniasty, K. (2012). Predicting social psychological well-being following trauma: The role of postdisaster social support. Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, Policy, 4, 22-33.
Kaniasty, K. (2011). Parental crucibles: Families coping with disaster. W: P. Buchwald, K. Moore i T. Ringeisen (Red.), Stress and anxiety: Application to education and health (s. 83–93). Berlin, Germany: Logos Verlag.
Bonanno, G., Brewin, C., Kaniasty, K. i La Greca, A. (2010). Weighing the costs of disaster: Consequences, risks, and resilience in individuals, families, and communities. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 11(1), 1-49.
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NAGRODY (2010- 2014)

  • Distinguished University Professor (2014), Indiana University, Pennsylvania
  • Prezydent (2012-2014), Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR)
  • The 2011 Stress and Anxiety Research Society Lifetime Career Award, Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR)
  • The 2011 College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Outstanding Researcher Award – Indiana University of Pennsylvania, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
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